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  • Peac Forensic | PEAC Infinitum

    Peac Diagnostics is a subsidiary company of PEAC Infinitum. At Peac Diagnostics we provide you with all your diagnostic equipment needs. We value customer service and therefore provide a comprehensive service including delivery, installation and training. PEAC Forense Sobre nós FAZER COMPRAS A Peac Forensics é uma das empresas subsidiárias da Peac Infinitums que pode fornecer todas as suas necessidades no setor forense. Dos sistemas de DNA de primeira linha ao software de controle de armas, temos tudo o que você precisa. Anchor 1 01 Projeto tina Saiba mais > Comprar > Projectina projeta e produz sistemas avançados de exame forense de documentos para moeda, passaportes e outros documentos questionados. Sua ampla gama de sistemas de visualização e análise atendem tanto a pequenas agências quanto a grandes instalações. A PEAC Forensic é revendedora dos produtos da Projectina. 04 Sistema de DNA rápido ANDE Capaz de fornecer uma identificação de DNA em 90 minutos para uma amostra de swab bucal e 106 minutos para uma amostra da cena do crime, o sistema ANDE DNA oferece uma série de benefícios para a aplicação da lei do Reino Unido, a saber; ➔ Identificação rápida de suspeitos; ➔ Apoio dinâmico ao policiamento secreto; ➔ Suporte rápido ao policiamento liderado por inteligência; ➔ Prevenção de novas infrações; ➔ Suporte a investigações de alto perfil e rápidas; ➔ Apoio às operações de Combate ao Terrorismo; ➔ Identificação da Vítima de Desastre (DVI); ➔ Redução de custos para a polícia; ➔ Aumento da satisfação e confiança do público na polícia. Saiba mais > Comprar > 02 Ciclo de Incêndio Saiba mais > Comprar > FireCycle é uma solução segura de gerenciamento de dados de armas de fogo baseada na web que permite que forças policiais e agências governamentais rastreiem a vida útil de uma arma de fogo desde sua fabricação até sua eventual destruição. FireCycle também pode operar em conjunto com um programa nacional legal de teste de fogo para gerenciar armas de fogo civis e de serviço de forma eficaz - capturando e relatando dados essenciais que podem ser acessados em Tempo rápido. O FireCycle pode ser utilizado em três áreas distintas do gerenciamento do ciclo de vida das armas de fogo, a saber: ➔ O registro de armas de fogo civis. ➔ A gestão do ciclo de vida dos inventários de armas de fogo de serviço (por exemplo, forças policiais, forças armadas, empresas de segurança). ➔ A gestão de armas de fogo perdidas e roubadas. 04 SelectaDNA The SelectaDNA product range consists of a number of solutions containing a unique DNA code which can be used to uniquely mark and trace both items of property and criminals. Each DNA code used in the SelectaDNA products is completely unique so that every marking kit and spray canister we supply has its very own forensic signature. SelectaDNA products contain real DNA but are referred to as “Synthetic” to differentiate it from Human DNA. SelectaDNA is simply a series of unique combinations of A (Adenine), C (Cytosine), G (Guanine) and T (Thymine). The synthetic DNA used in SelectaDNA is short-chain, making it far more robust than human DNA. The details of the code are then recorded on the SelectaDNA Police and Insurance approved database so that a code found on an asset or person can be identified back to a specific owner or location. The SelectaDNA code can be deciphered by a molecular genetic laboratory which has been supplied with a SelectaDNA reagent kit designed to detect and analyse SelectaDNA samples. Buy > Learn More > 05 Bruker Targetscreener Analyzing complex food/water samples for drugs, pesticides or mycotoxins, or equally challenging human/animal urine, saliva, or serum samples for poisons or drugs, is a demanding application. TargetScreener HR is a powerful solution based upon accurate mass analysis with Bruker QTOF systems and highly curated databases (over 2800 compounds) to ensure reporting false positives (or false negatives) is minimized. Obtaining highly accurate quantitative data is also assured with TargetScreener HR. Learn More > Buy > 06 doculuslumus Doculus Lumus® is designed in cooperation with document specialists from Austria and many other document experts from all over the world. Border guard officers and all people who have to check official documents use the mobile document checking device Doculus Lumus® to prove the documents authenticity. Experienced document specialists know what they need to look for. Often the place where fake documents are analysed in more detail is an office far away from the border posts. So fake documents must be identified by the frontlines at the border, on the motorway, on the train or at the airport. Usually only 30 seconds are available for the examination of a document and to decide whether a fake is present or not. Frontline counts! Buy > Learn More > Home

  • Viavi | PEAC Infinitum

    The MicroNIR process products are designed for on-line or in-line monitoring of processes in the pharmaceutical, food, or chemical industry. Video Library 01 MicroNIR PAT-U The MicroNIR™ PAT-U is a USB-powered NIR spectrometer. Compact, rugged and with no moving parts, it interfaces with processing equipment to enable Process Analytical Technology (PAT) solutions across multiple industries. The user-friendly MicroNIR PAT-U was engineered to handle today's challenging GMP-regulated environments yet requires no system maintenance. There are no expensive fiber optic cables or moving components, enabling superior instrument stability and performance in challenging process environments. Its stainless steel case is water and dust resistant according to IP65/67 standards. More Info 02 MicroNIR PAT-W The MicroNIR™ PAT-W is a rugged, battery-powered NIR spectrometer equipped with WiFi data communication and designed for use on rotating blenders and stationary process equipment. The MicroNIR PAT-W spectrometer is a fit-for-purpose near-infrared (NIR) analyzer for quality-by-design (QbD) manufacturing. The spectrometer is a sturdy, scalable, next-generation system for real-time process monitoring in blend homogeneity, content uniformity, loss on drying, roller compaction, and similar process analytical technology (PAT) applications. With the well-established Viavi linear variable filter (LVF) technology, the PAT-W has the smallest form factor among commercial process monitoring instruments in a fit-for-purpose design. This makes it ideal for use with processing equipment of a variety of sizes, with the stability and performance to facilitate efficient and smart manufacturing. More Info 03 MicroNIR PAT-Ux Rugged and safe in hazardous locations, the MicroNIR PAT-Ux process spectrometer is designed for real-time process monitoring in pharmaceutical, industrial and food process analytical technology (PAT) applications. The PAT-Ux is the hazardous location version of the popular VIAVI PAT-U miniature process spectrometer. Safe in the presence of flammable gases, vapors, fibers, or dust, the PAT-Ux enables moving a process directly to production in a hazardous location using chemometric models and processes developed in the ordinary location of a laboratory. The PAT-Ux attaches readily to fixed processing equipment of all types and sizes, with the performance and stability to support truly efficient – and scalable – manufacturing. More Info 04 MicroNIR PAT-Wx Rugged and safe in hazardous locations, the MicroNIR PAT-Wx wireless process spectrometer is designed for real-time process monitoring in pharmaceutical, industrial and food process analytical technology (PAT) applications. The PAT-Wx is the hazardous location version of the popular VIAVI PAT-W wireless miniature process spectrometer. Its compact, lightweight design and automatic triggering function make it ideal for use on dynamic process equipment like tumble blenders. Since it is wireless and safe in the presence of flammable gases, vapors, or dust, the PAT-Wx is also suited to diverse process monitoring applications in hazardous environments. As a member of the MicroNIR product family, it enables moving a process directly to production in a hazardous location using chemometric models and processes developed elsewhere. The PAT-Wx integrates readily with process equipment of all types and sizes, with the performance and stability to support truly efficient – and scalable – manufacturing. More Info 05 MicroNIR PAT-L Rugged, fast, and maintenance-free, the MicroNIR PAT-L transmission spectrometer is designed for real-time process monitoring in industrial and pharmaceutical process analytical technology (PAT) applications. The PAT-L is the newest member of the VIAVI PAT family of miniature process spectrometers. Its compact design and high performance make it ideal for use in industrial processes that require continuous monitoring. The NIR transmission design permits analysis of aqueous and nonaqueous liquids. The PAT-L is available in multiple configurations, specified on order, with a choice of probe material, optical path length, immersion depth, and process flange. As a member of the MicroNIR product family, it enables moving directly to production chemometric models and processes developed elsewhere. The PAT-L integrates readily with process equipment of all types and sizes, with the performance and stability to support truly efficient – and scalable – manufacturing. More Info 06 MicroNIR PAT-Wx Rugged and safe in hazardous locations, the MicroNIR PAT-Lx process spectrometer is designed for real-time process monitoring of liquids in vessels and pipelines. The PAT-Lx is the hazardous location version of the VIAVI PAT-L immersion process spectrometer. Safe in the presence of flammable gases, vapors, or dust, the PAT-Lx enables rapid and repeatable analysis of a wide variety of liquids, aqueous or hydrocarbon-based. The PAT-Lx integrates readily with processing equipment of all types and sizes, and delivers the performance, stability, and total cost of ownership to meet the stringent requirements of scalable manufacturing. More Info

  • Bruker | PEAC Infinitum

    Bruker’s Mass Spectrometry ESI Ion Trap Liquid Chromatography MALDI Biotyper MALDI-TOF MRMS QTOF timsTOF Triple Quads MS Software Innovations such as Trapped Ion Mobility (TIMS), smartbeam and scanning lasers for MALDI-MS Imaging that deliver true pixel fidelity, and eXtreme Resolution FTMS (XR) technology capable to reveal Isotopic Fine Structure (IFS) signatures are pushing scientific exploration to new heights. Our mass spectrometry solutions enable scientists to make breakthrough discoveries and gain deeper insights. Bruker's product lines include the following technologies: timsTOF, MRMS, rapifleX® MALDI-TOF/TOF, UHR-QTOF, Triple Quadrupole, HDX Solution, Toxtyper® and TargetScreener HR. Our industry leading software solutions such as SCiLS™ Lab for MS Imaging, MetaboScape® and Biopharma Compass® are examples for our solutions doing the work for you. BROCHURE BRUKER PRODUCT OVERVIEW FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY 2021 Bruker’s Innovative Mass Spectrometry Solutions Anchor 2 ESI Ion Trap Ion Trap MS Bruker Daltonics leads the industry in ion trap technology to offer a comprehensive series of ion trap systems meeting a wide range of user needs. Structural confirmation and screening applications in routine labs are also covered through protein identification (ID) and detailed characterization of both small and large molecules. The amaZon speed series is a true revolution in ion trap technology. This ion trap system is equipped with a dual ion funnel for the highest sensitivity resulting in new analytical levels in mass spectrometry. Designed to deliver outstanding performance in terms of sensitivity, speed, and dynamic range, our ion trap systems achieve unmatched results even for the most difficult analyses. The amaZon speed ion trap systems can also be equipped with electron transfer dissociation (ETD) technology to facilitate analysis of post translational modifications (PTMs) on proteins or peptides. This potent upgrade makes the ion trap system ideal for PTM analysis work. ESI-ITMS Ion Trap MS Instruments Request a Quote Liquid chromatography Bruker offers access to a wide variety of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems. Many sample analysis workflows rely on liquid chromatography separation for its analytical depth. The value and versatility of chromatography analysis is amplified dramatically when coupled to a mass spectrometry (MS) system. Bruker’s Compass HyStar system is a state-of-the-art software that can be used to configure and control a range of instruments used in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Compatible with HPLC systems from many vendors, Compass HyStar integrates LC-MS data collection and allocates the data to a specified workflow. Subsequent data processing and reporting is facilitated by accessing the workflow, including quantitation, target identification and screening tests. By using Compass HyStar, customers can choose their preferred HPLC vendor and configuration combined with the convenience of a single point of contact for service and support. LC-MS LC-MS Connectivity Liquid Chromatography Request a Quote MALDI Biotyper® - Changing microbiology The MALDI Biotyper® (MBT) is a microbial identification system based on MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, allowing unbiased identification of microorganisms within a few minutes down to the species level. The MBT is an easy, rapid, robust, high-throughput, cost-effective and efficient identification technology, ideally suited to microbial laboratories. Due to its broad applicability, speed of analysis and low sample processing costs, the MBT is ideally suited to the role of microorganism identification. MALDI-TOF MS determines the unique proteomic fingerprint of an organism, and matches characteristic patterns with an extensive reference library to determine the organism´s identity. Continuous expansion of the reference library ensures that a broad range of microorganisms can be identified easily. Bruker´s state-of-the art MALDI Biotyper® solutions MALDI Biotyper Request a Quote MALDI-TOF and TOF/TOF MS The analytical advantages of matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) TOF MS have been demonstrated for more than 25 years. With inherent benefits including its speed (time to results) and application flexibility, the convenience and effectiveness of MALDI-TOF MS is magnified by virtue of its low sample volume requirements and broad sample content (salts, buffers) amenability. Dramatic increases in the depth of MALDI analyses have been made routine by intuitive software, and easy automation allows for high throughput solutions. Bruker’s FLEX series instruments provide reliable results from a market leading technology platform - well-known for outstanding performance, reliability, convenience and innovative design. From rapid screening to comprehensive target characterization, MALDI-TOF MS offers broad utility to meet all laboratory needs. Expert users and beginners can quickly and confidently tap into the analytical power and flexibility of Bruker’s FLEX series MALDI-TOF systems. MALDI-TOF/TOF MALDI-TOF and TOF/TOF Instruments MALDI-TOF Request a Quote Magnetic Resonance Mass Spectrometry (MRMS) Bruker’s scimaX® and solariX series instruments are powered by MRMS (Magnetic Resonance Mass Spectrometry) technology. Compared with common FTMS technologies, these instruments feature unmatched eXtreme Resolution (XR) and mass accuracy. This enables routine Isotopic Fine Structure (IFS) analysis for a broad mass range, resulting in unmatched confidence for compound identification. MRMS MRMS Instruments Anchor 1 Anchor 3 Anchor 4 Anchor 5 MRMS Request a Quote QTOF Mass Spectrometry Since its first commercial launch 25 years ago, quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) mass spectrometry (MS) has revolutionized numerous fields, ranging from biological and pharmaceutical research to clinical toxicology. The unique hybridization of quadrupole and TOF technology resulted in high-resolution, high mass accuracy analysis of all ions simultaneously, which is today used to identify and quantify complex mixtures or unknown compounds. The MS/MS capabilities of QTOF MS systems enable coupling to both LC and GC systems and Bruker’s expertise provides a variety of innovative instruments. Our powerful, high performance products are specifically designed to meet the rapidly growing needs of customers in the academic, pharmaceutical, industrial, clinical, and applied markets. QTOF QTOF MS Instruments Anchor 6 QTOF Request a Quote Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry (TIMS) Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) is a powerful analytical technique that has been widely applied over the last five decades, primarily in chemical physics and analytical chemistry applications. Only relatively recently has the potential of IMS coupled to MS (IMS-MS) been explored for the separation, identification and quantification of peptides and proteins. TIMSTOF timsTOF Instruments Anchor 7 timsTOF Request a Quote MALDI-TOF and TOF/TOF MS The analytical advantages of matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) TOF MS have been demonstrated for more than 25 years. With inherent benefits including its speed (time to results) and application flexibility, the convenience and effectiveness of MALDI-TOF MS is magnified by virtue of its low sample volume requirements and broad sample content (salts, buffers) amenability. Dramatic increases in the depth of MALDI analyses have been made routine by intuitive software, and easy automation allows for high throughput solutions. Bruker’s FLEX series instruments provide reliable results from a market leading technology platform - well-known for outstanding performance, reliability, convenience and innovative design. From rapid screening to comprehensive target characterization, MALDI-TOF MS offers broad utility to meet all laboratory needs. Expert users and beginners can quickly and confidently tap into the analytical power and flexibility of Bruker’s FLEX series MALDI-TOF systems. MALDI-TOF/TOF MALDI-TOF and TOF/TOF Instruments Anchor 8 Triple Quads Request a Quote Software driven mass spectrometry solutions Our software solutions provide accurate, fast and comprehensive analysis of mass spectrometry data for the relevant applications and research fields. With streamlined integration into the Bruker range of mass spectrometry instrumentation, Bruker software provides the most automated, integrated and powerful solutions in the world. MS SOFTWARE Our industry-leading software turns mass spectrometry data into knowledge Anchor 9 MS Software Request a Quote

  • What we offer | PEAC Infinitum

    Tudo que você precisa Na PEAC Infinitum, trabalhamos duro para oferecer serviços inteligentes, flexíveis e acessíveis que beneficiem todos os nossos clientes. Não importa quais sejam suas necessidades, nossa equipe de especialistas fará o possível para personalizar nossas soluções para superar suas expectativas. Navegue pela nossa lista de serviços e ligue hoje para marcar uma reunião introdutória. Paz Infinita A Peac Infinitum é fornecedora de Equipamentos Analíticos e serviços profissionais. Estes serviços incluem o fornecimento e instalação de Equipamentos de Laboratório e formação do pessoal do Laboratório Analítico. Os membros do Peac têm mais de 30 anos de experiência no total no campo laboratorial. Explorar Calico&Canvas Calico & Canvas sua loja de ponta quando se trata de design de tudo. Nossa reputação foi construída com base em desempenho, confiança e, mais importante, criatividade. Adoramos o que fazemos e estamos constantemente à procura de novas fontes de inspiração. Explorar Unhas e mais Na Nails & More, sabemos que o tratamento certo pode fazer você parecer – e se sentir – como um milhão de dólares. Temos o compromisso de usar apenas produtos de primeira linha para maior luxo. Tire um tempo para mimar-se, marcando uma consulta hoje. Explorar Ponta A Cutting Edge tem se dedicado ao seu objetivo singular de projetar e criar itens excelentes desde 2016. Navegue pelo Carpenter Portfolio atualizado para obter uma verdadeira compreensão de suas habilidades e visão. Explorar Faça uma cotação Primeiro nome Último nome E-mail Mensagem Mandar Obrigado por enviar!

  • Doculus Lumus | PEAC Infinitum

    Doculus Lumus® is designed in cooperation with document specialists from Austria and many other document experts from all over the world. Border guard officers and all people who have to check official documents use the mobile document checking device Doculus Lumus® to prove the documents authenticity. Experienced document specialists know what they need to look for. Often the place where fake documents are analysed in more detail is an office far away from the border posts. So fake documents must be identified by the frontlines at the border, on the motorway, on the train or at the airport. Usually only 30 seconds are available for the examination of a document and to decide whether a fake is present or not. Frontline counts! 15x or 22x Magnification If you have to scan whole documents to see as many features as possible in minimum time, you would prefer 15x magnification. 22x magnification allows you to see finest details, but the area of sight is smaller due to the necessary lens construction. If you have to go into detail and would like to see things like paper fibers, printing artefacts and even finest deviations of the surface, you would prefer 22x – especially when you are in the office and have enough time for a deep analysis. 4 Extra strong UV LEDs 365 nm The UV light mode with its 4 extra strong UV LEDs (365 nm) allows an optimal depiction of UV security inks through the lens as well as from the side from short distance. Check nanotext and several fibers on passports and bank notes. Also ideal for effortless detecting of UV features on polycarbonate cards. You can use your Doculus Lumus® also as a small UV torchlight so you don’t need an extra torchlight. 4 White Incident Light LEDs White incident light with 4 strong LEDs (bright field illumination) allows you to check even the finest printed details like microtext or nanotext. Recognize with which printing technology a document was printed. (laserprint, inkjet, offset, etc.). Many people want to activate the incident light with their thumbs, so there is the possibility to switch from right hand mode to left hand mode. How this works exactly, can be found in the user manual. Torchligh t Mode In certain situations, e.g. at bright sunshine, the normal incident light mode may be too dark. You will need a higher light intensity to shine through water marks as well. The torchlight mode allows an optimal illumination even in a very bright surrounding. In dark environment use this mode as a torch replacement for illuminating close objects. 8 LEDs for Rotating Oblique Light 8 LEDs for automatic or manually rotating oblique light to the left or right. The oblique light mode allows you to identify intaglios, embossing and colour changing kinegrams or holograms. With the aid of 8 LEDs that successively shine on the document in 45° steps, shadows are created at heightened or deepened features (dark field illumination). Colour changing elements look different depending on the angle of light incidence. So you have the possibility of a 3D realistic detection of various sublime security features and holograms. Steady Light Mode for Documentation Purpose The steady light function is very useful if you want to take a snapshot through the lens with your cell phone or smartphone camera or you do not want to keep the button pressed with your finger. Click the battery cover to the documentation position and you can lay your mobile phone flat on the Doculus Lumus®. There is no extra app necessary for photo documentation. Simply use the camera application on your smartphone. Click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. High Robustness Doculus Lumus® is specially designed for outdoor use. Whether it falls down or you hit it somewhere, Doculus Lumus® can handle it! The housing is water-rebellent but not waterproof. Please also don’t drown it into coffee (sugar has a conductive effect). There was a user, who accidentally drove by car over it, even our Doculus Lumus® has endured that – but we recommend not to try this at home! 9 Different Colours Available Lime Blue Grey Red Orange Magenta Violet Sand Olive

  • Our Products | PEAC Infinitum

    ​Peac Laboratory is a supplier of Analytical Equipment and professional services. These services include supply and installation of Laboratory Equipment and training of Analytical Laboratory staff. Peac's members have more than 30 years experience in total in the laboratory field. Peac is a South African based company that has excellent potential for growth and is constantly acquiring new business ventures and products to improve the quality of life and the environment for all Africans. sobre nós A Peac Infinitum é fornecedora de Equipamentos Analíticos e serviços profissionais. Estes serviços incluem o fornecimento e instalação de Equipamentos de Laboratório e formação do pessoal do Laboratório Analítico. Os membros do Peac têm mais de 30 anos de experiência no total no campo laboratorial. A Peac é uma empresa com sede na África do Sul que tem um excelente potencial de crescimento e está constantemente adquirindo novos empreendimentos e produtos para melhorar a qualidade de vida e o meio ambiente de todos os africanos. VIEW ALL VIEW ALL VIEW ALL VIEW ALL VIEW ALL VER TUDO Anchor 1 VIEW ALL VIEW ALL VIEW ALL VER TUDO VER TUDO VER TUDO VER TUDO VER TUDO VIEW ALL Home

  • Canning Page | PEAC Infinitum

    Your canning solution The cans manufactured by Peac Manufacturing are not only of the highest quality, but are also available in a variety of options to ensure you find exactly what you’re looking for. With top-of-the-line materials, cutting-edge production technologies and a highly qualified team, we guarantee complete satisfaction. REQUEST A QUOTE CUSTOMISED WINE STILL/SPARLING WATER VARIOUS FRUIT JUICES ENERGY DRINKS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Various sizes available What can you expect? Fantastic customer service Great quality Undivided attention Years of experience Personalized to your own design and requirements

  • NIRLAB | PEAC Infinitum

    Click Here NIRLAB Narcotics solution T he most advanced technology to detect and identify drugs. Our innovative technology is designed to quickly and accurately identify over 70 different types of narcotics, from common street drugs to synthetic drugs. The NIRLAB Narcotics solution is easy to use and provides reliable results in less than 5 seconds. With the NIRLAB Narcotics solution, you can quickly and accurately detect illicit substances. Check out the NIRLAB Narcotics solution and experience the power of advanced AI & sensing technology! Immediate decision making in plastics sorting using NIR spectroscopy The process of effectively moving plastic waste into the circular economy begins with sorting it into clean polymer groups. One of the biggest challenges on our journey to an effective circular economy is the current lack of high-quality recycling plastic worldwide. NIRLAB introduces a powerful technology based on advanced machine learning to be used in various cases in the polymer industry. We deliver scalable ISO 17025 certifiable Lab systems with a powerful AI setup and combined it with easy to handle mobile and cloud applications. NIRLIGHT Advantages Designed for use in the field as well as in the laboratory. + IP67 Rated The device is 100% protected against solid objects like dust and protected against the effects of temporary immersion between 15 cm and 1 m. + Destruction-free Analysis Little or no sample preparation is needed. No special training required. + No Maintenance No special maintenance is required. + Long Battery Life Fully charged device lasts minimum of 10 hours of continuous use. + Results Displayed Instantly NIRLAB App for iOS and Android delivers results quickly. NIRAPP NIRAPP is our mobile App for Android and iOS and displays the results within seconds. It is highly customizable and user friendly and all the needed features and functions you want to find in a mobile Lab are already on board. In this example, we have used the FIELDLAB solution for the qualification and quantification of illicit substances in various forms like powders, flowers, liquids, pills. Cuttingagents and precursors are also identified in the same analysis process. The result in the NIRAPP shows: 1. The measured spectrum of questioned substance 2. Identification of the substance 3. Quantification of the substance 4. Cutting agent (if applicable) 5. Confidence level

  • Our Story | PEAC Infinitum

    PEAC Infinitum opened its doors in 2008, and has been providing great products and services ever since. PEAC Infinitum has 4 subsidiary companies which have been created in order for us to ensure we meet all our customers needs. Nossos antecedentes A PEAC Infinitum abriu as suas portas em 2008 e desde então tem vindo a fornecer excelentes produtos e serviços. A PEAC Infinitum possui 4 empresas subsidiárias que foram criadas para garantirmos o atendimento de todas as necessidades de nossos clientes. O que nos diferencia dos restantes é a nossa capacidade de personalizar a nossa oferta às necessidades dos clientes, bem como a nossa fantástica equipa de especialistas. Não importa quão único ou desafiador seja o seu pedido, você pode contar conosco para encontrar a solução certa para você.

  • Peac Diagnostics | PEAC Infinitum

    Peac Diagnostics is a subsidiary company of PEAC Infinitum. At Peac Diagnostics we provide you with all your diagnostic equipment needs. We value customer service and therefore provide a comprehensive service including delivery, installation and training. PEAC Diagnóstico Sobre nós A Peac Diagnostics é uma empresa subsidiária da PEAC Infinitum. Na Peac Diagnostics, fornecemos todas as suas necessidades de equipamentos de diagnóstico. Valorizamos o atendimento ao cliente e, portanto, fornecemos um serviço abrangente, incluindo entrega, instalação e treinamento. sd1 analisador químico Clique na imagem para mais informações About 3 Step Operation Compre Reagent Disks Rotor Profiles The Upper Hand Buy Now CONTATO nós Tel. (+27)78 177 7824 Boskruin, Joanesburgo, África do Sul Enviar Obrigado por enviar! Home

  • Projectina | PEAC Infinitum

    Projectina Crime Scene Equipment Document Examination Comparison Microscopes Anchor 1 Crime Scene Lab Equipment Projectinas passion for forensics and pride in specialist design and manufacture has led to the development of a select portfolio of crime scene equipment, focused on trace and impression evidence. PAGLAB MSA-810 The PAGLAB MSA-810 is brilliance in a box, giving professional laboratories everything they need in one dependable light source. Download Request a Quote CSL-Shoe A highly portable crime scene light to help investigators recover shoe print evidence from a variety of surfaces. Battery-powered, rugged and lightweight it also features a telescopic handle for extended use. Download Request a Quote SL-450 Rugged and dependable yet lightweight and easy to carry, the SL-450’s powerful Xenon lamp has a generous 90 minutes of running time. Download Request a Quote Cyanoacrylate Fuming Chambers For visualising latent fingerprints, footprints and handprints on smooth, non-absorbent surfaces. Download Request a Quote Vacuum Cyanoacrylate Fuming Chambers Vacuum fuming chambers for visualising evidence on surfaces which are difficult to access. Download Request a Quote Drying Cabinets Tamper-resistant cabinets providing safe environments for odour-free and humidity-controlled drying processes. Download Request a Quote Document Examination The gold standard for document verification Trusted systems for checking identity documents, banknotes and security material. Our range of forensic document examination systems combines the best in viewing and analysis technology with a choice of physical footprints that complement facilities large or small. Anchor 2 Spectra Pro Projectina Spectra Pro has set a new standard for spectral analysis for forensic labs, security printers and immigration authorities. Download Request a Quote Spectra Flex Redefining the compact category, the Spectra Flex takes things to the next level with a flexible specification courtesy of its modular design. Download Request a Quote Docubox HD The compact Docubox HD is the optimum choice for those wanting a smaller footprint but no compromise in rapid processing performance. Download Request a Quote Inspec-6 The Inspec-6 wraps up power, precision and performance in a handy desktop model, perfect for frontline or lab deployment. Download Request a Quote PAGScan 3000 Document Reader An ergonomic full-page, single-step reader that proves that big performance can come in small packages. Download Request a Quote Docustat DS-220 The ‘go-to’ electrostatic system to visualize indented writing on documents. Download Request a Quote Doculus Lumus A handheld document verification device developed for border officials and police officers in frontline environments. Download Request a Quote Comparison Microscopes VisionX, unmatched in optical quality, ergonomics and handling. VisionX is the most powerful and effective comparison microscope for firearm and tool marks comparison. Anchor 3 VisionX VisonX is the most powerful and effective comparison microscope for firearm and tool marks comparison. Download Request a Quote Motorized Object Holder The new object holder provides precise motorized 3-axis control. Download Request a Quote PAG800 Stereomicroscope The powerful stereo microscope with the best price/performance ratio. Download Request a Quote PAG 1000 Stereomicroscope This stand-out instrument’s versatility and optical precision makes it a real force in 3D visual detail checking. Download Request a Quote

  • OPTIR | PEAC Infinitum

    Submicron simultaneous IR+Raman microscope combines Optical Photothermal Infrared (O-PTIR) spectroscopy with Raman FTIR and Raman spectroscopy for material and life science analysis are well established technologies, but have practical and theoretical limitations. Now, with PSC’s new breakthrough technique using O-PTIR and Raman on the mIRage photothermal spectroscopy infrared microscope , those limitations have been shattered. A new patented technique, photothermal spectroscopy based O-PTIR overcomes the poor resolution of traditional FTIR microscopy with the novel use of a dual purpose visible light probe which is not only capable of enabling submicron IR spatial resolution, but also doubles as a Raman excitation laser providing submicron simultaneous IR+Raman spectroscopy on the mIRage-R microscope . This combination generates complementary and confirmatory analysis through IR and Raman spectroscopy for a more detailed and thorough characterization and the ultimate in vibrational spectroscopic synergy. By working in reflection mode this technique eliminates complex sample preparation and generates high quality spectra without any dispersive scatter artifacts comparable to FTIR transmission/ATR spectra. Additionally, O-PTIR is not affected at all by fluorescence interference, a key limitation of Raman spectroscopy, thus allowing for sub-micron molecular characterization that is completely fluorescence free. Now with the mIRage-LS microscope , the addition of co-located Fluorescence microscopy provides a new, innovative platform for advanced life science characterization with a chemical spatial resolution of <500nm. The mIRage-LS provides fluorescence guided IR spectroscopy to easily target bio-molecular structures of interest and resolve their chemical molecular structure. Brochure Submicron IR spectroscopy in seconds The mIRage® IR Microscope is an innovative new system uniquely providing sub-micron IR spectroscopy and imaging across a wide variety of applications. Using a proprietary technique based upon Optical Photothermal IR (O-PTIR) spectroscopy, mIRage breaks the diffraction limit of traditional IR spectroscopy and bridges the gap between conventional IR microspectroscopy and nanoscale IR spectroscopy.


Co Reg:  2008/229474/23

Nº de registro de IVA:  4490254812


Telefone: 078 177 7824

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