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- Peac Manu Equipment | PEAC Infinitum
About Us Peac Manufacturing is committed to providing a variety of quality merchandise for customers. By using the latest technologies and applying strict quality control procedures, we’ve become known for having the best products in the industry. Take a look at what we currently have in stock, and get in touch to order or learn more. We have been involved in various different projects providing only the best machinery for the job. From liquid nitrogen generators to vanilla extraction plants, we have got you covered. Get in touch today to speak with one of our excellent consultants! CONTACT US
- Projectina | PEAC Infinitum
Projectina Crime Scene Equipment Document Examination Comparison Microscopes Anchor 1 Crime Scene Lab Equipment Projectinas passion for forensics and pride in specialist design and manufacture has led to the development of a select portfolio of crime scene equipment, focused on trace and impression evidence. PAGLAB MSA-810 The PAGLAB MSA-810 is brilliance in a box, giving professional laboratories everything they need in one dependable light source. Download Request a Quote CSL-Shoe A highly portable crime scene light to help investigators recover shoe print evidence from a variety of surfaces. Battery-powered, rugged and lightweight it also features a telescopic handle for extended use. Download Request a Quote SL-450 Rugged and dependable yet lightweight and easy to carry, the SL-450’s powerful Xenon lamp has a generous 90 minutes of running time. Download Request a Quote Cyanoacrylate Fuming Chambers For visualising latent fingerprints, footprints and handprints on smooth, non-absorbent surfaces. Download Request a Quote Vacuum Cyanoacrylate Fuming Chambers Vacuum fuming chambers for visualising evidence on surfaces which are difficult to access. Download Request a Quote Drying Cabinets Tamper-resistant cabinets providing safe environments for odour-free and humidity-controlled drying processes. Download Request a Quote Document Examination The gold standard for document verification Trusted systems for checking identity documents, banknotes and security material. Our range of forensic document examination systems combines the best in viewing and analysis technology with a choice of physical footprints that complement facilities large or small. Anchor 2 Spectra Pro Projectina Spectra Pro has set a new standard for spectral analysis for forensic labs, security printers and immigration authorities. Download Request a Quote Spectra Flex Redefining the compact category, the Spectra Flex takes things to the next level with a flexible specification courtesy of its modular design. Download Request a Quote Docubox HD The compact Docubox HD is the optimum choice for those wanting a smaller footprint but no compromise in rapid processing performance. Download Request a Quote Inspec-6 The Inspec-6 wraps up power, precision and performance in a handy desktop model, perfect for frontline or lab deployment. Download Request a Quote PAGScan 3000 Document Reader An ergonomic full-page, single-step reader that proves that big performance can come in small packages. Download Request a Quote Docustat DS-220 The ‘go-to’ electrostatic system to visualize indented writing on documents. Download Request a Quote Doculus Lumus A handheld document verification device developed for border officials and police officers in frontline environments. Download Request a Quote Comparison Microscopes VisionX, unmatched in optical quality, ergonomics and handling. VisionX is the most powerful and effective comparison microscope for firearm and tool marks comparison. Anchor 3 VisionX VisonX is the most powerful and effective comparison microscope for firearm and tool marks comparison. Download Request a Quote Motorized Object Holder The new object holder provides precise motorized 3-axis control. Download Request a Quote PAG800 Stereomicroscope The powerful stereo microscope with the best price/performance ratio. Download Request a Quote PAG 1000 Stereomicroscope This stand-out instrument’s versatility and optical precision makes it a real force in 3D visual detail checking. Download Request a Quote
- Peac Diagnostics | PEAC Infinitum
Peac Diagnostics is a subsidiary company of PEAC Infinitum. At Peac Diagnostics we provide you with all your diagnostic equipment needs. We value customer service and therefore provide a comprehensive service including delivery, installation and training. PACE Diagnostica Chi siamo Peac Diagnostics è una società sussidiaria di PEAC Infinitum. Alla Peac Diagnostics ti forniamo tutte le apparecchiature diagnostiche di cui hai bisogno. Apprezziamo il servizio clienti e quindi forniamo un servizio completo che include consegna, installazione e formazione. sd1 Analizzatore di chimica Clicca sull'immagine per maggiori informazioni About 3 Step Operation Acquista ora Reagent Disks Rotor Profiles The Upper Hand Buy Now CONTATTO noi tel. (+27)78 177 7824 Boskruin, Johannesburg, Sud Africa Invia Grazie per l'invio! Home
- Laboratory Equipment | Peac Infinitum | Randburg
PEAC Infinitum opened its doors in 2008, and has been providing great products and services ever since. From laboratory equipment to forensics, we offer it all. No matter how unique or challenging your request is, you can count on us to find the right solution for you. EXPLORE OUR PRODUCT RANGE Soluzioni aziendali innovative About PEAC Welcome to PEAC, your trusted partner in South Africa and beyond for cutting-edge solutions and a diverse range of services. At PEAC, we take pride in pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence, establishing ourselves as trailblazers in the global landscape of analytical science, diagnostics, manufacturing, and forensics. Who We Are PEAC is a South African-based company driven by a passion for progress. We are not just a business; we are a force for positive change in our industries. Our commitment to excellence, unwavering dedication to quality, and relentless pursuit of innovation are the cornerstones of our identity. Send us a message and we’ll get back to you shortly. Email Cell Number Your message Send Thanks for submitting! Contact Us! Tel Mkay - +27(0)60 375 3611 Casey- +27(0)72 364 1593 Whatssapp - +27(0)78 177 7824 Email Address CR Swart Drive , Boskruin Johannesburg 2188
- Peac Manufacturing | PEAC Infinitum
At PEAC Manufacturing, you won’t only find what you need; you’ll get the best quality at a fair price. With years of experience in the industry, we have the expertise to thoroughly and efficiently serve our customers to ensure they’re never disappointed. PEAC Manufacturing about us At PEAC Manufacturing, you won’t only find what you need; you’ll get the best quality at a fair price. With years of experience in the industry, we have the expertise to thoroughly and efficiently serve our customers to ensure they’re never disappointed. Whether you’re a one-time buyer or looking to buy in bulk, you can count on us to provide great products and excellent service, every step of the way. Get in touch if you can’t find what you’re looking for. Laboratory equipment THE CANNING SIDE THE EQUIPMENT Home Home Home Request a quote today, for all enquiries big or small, we can assist with what you're looking for! Contact Us! Home
- What we offer | PEAC Infinitum
Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno In PEAC Infinitum, abbiamo lavorato duramente per offrire servizi intelligenti, flessibili e convenienti a vantaggio di tutti i nostri clienti. Indipendentemente dalle tue esigenze, il nostro team di esperti farà di tutto per personalizzare le nostre soluzioni per superare le tue aspettative. Sfoglia il nostro elenco di servizi e chiamaci oggi per prenotare un incontro introduttivo. Peac Infinito Peac Infinitum è un fornitore di apparecchiature analitiche e servizi professionali. Questi servizi includono la fornitura e l'installazione di apparecchiature di laboratorio e la formazione del personale del laboratorio analitico. I membri di Peac hanno più di 30 anni di esperienza in totale nel campo dei laboratori. Esplorare Calico&Tela Calico & Canvas è il tuo negozio all'avanguardia quando si tratta di tutto il design. La nostra reputazione è stata costruita su prestazioni, fiducia e, soprattutto, creatività. Amiamo ciò che facciamo e siamo costantemente alla ricerca di nuove fonti di ispirazione. Esplorare Unghie e altro In Nails & More, sappiamo che il trattamento giusto può farti sembrare, e sentirti, come un milione di dollari. Ci impegniamo a utilizzare solo prodotti di prima qualità per un lusso aggiunto. Prenditi del tempo per coccolarti prenotando un appuntamento oggi. Esplorare Bordo tagliente Cutting Edge si è dedicata al loro unico obiettivo di progettare e creare oggetti eccezionali dal 2016. Sfoglia il loro portfolio Carpenter aggiornato per avere una vera comprensione delle loro capacità e visione. Esplorare Ottieni un preventivo Nome di battesimo Cognome E-mail Messaggio Spedire Grazie per l'invio!
- Peac Forensic | PEAC Infinitum
Peac Diagnostics is a subsidiary company of PEAC Infinitum. At Peac Diagnostics we provide you with all your diagnostic equipment needs. We value customer service and therefore provide a comprehensive service including delivery, installation and training. Scientifica del PEAC Chi siamo NEGOZIO Peac Forensics è una delle società sussidiarie di Peac Infinitums che può fornirti tutte le tue esigenze nel settore forense. Dai sistemi DNA top di gamma al software Gun Control, abbiamo tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno. Anchor 1 01 Proiezione _ Scopri di più > Acquista > Projectina progetta e produce sistemi avanzati di esame dei documenti forensi per valuta, passaporti e altri documenti interrogati. La sua vasta gamma di sistemi di visualizzazione e analisi soddisfa sia le piccole agenzie che le grandi strutture. PEAC Forensic è un rivenditore dei prodotti Projectina. 04 ANDE Sistema DNA rapido In grado di fornire un ID DNA in 90 minuti per un campione di tampone buccale e in 106 minuti per un campione di scena del crimine, il sistema ANDE DNA offre una serie di vantaggi alle forze dell'ordine britanniche, vale a dire; ➔ Identificazione rapida dei sospetti; ➔ Supporto dinamico della polizia segreta; ➔ Supporto tempestivo alla polizia guidata dall'intelligence; ➔ Prevenzione di ulteriori reati; ➔ Supporto alle indagini di alto profilo in rapido movimento; ➔ Supporto alle operazioni di contrasto al terrorismo; ➔ Identificazione della vittima del disastro (DVI); ➔ Costi ridotti per le forze dell'ordine; ➔ Maggiore soddisfazione del pubblico e fiducia nella polizia. Scopri di più > Acquista > 02 Ciclo di fuoco Scopri di più > Acquista > FireCycle è una soluzione di gestione dei dati delle armi da fuoco sicura e basata sul Web che consente alle forze di polizia e alle agenzie governative di tracciare la vita di un'arma da fuoco dalla sua produzione fino alla sua eventuale distruzione. FireCycle può anche operare in combinazione con un programma legale nazionale di prova di fuoco per gestire efficacemente le armi da fuoco civili e di servizio, acquisendo e segnalando i dati essenziali a cui è possibile accedere in Tempo veloce. FireCycle può essere utilizzato in tre aree distinte della gestione del ciclo di vita delle armi da fuoco, vale a dire: ➔ La registrazione delle armi da fuoco civili. ➔ La gestione del ciclo di vita delle scorte di armi di servizio (es. forze di polizia, forze armate, società di sicurezza). ➔ La gestione delle armi da fuoco smarrite e rubate. 04 SelectaDNA The SelectaDNA product range consists of a number of solutions containing a unique DNA code which can be used to uniquely mark and trace both items of property and criminals. Each DNA code used in the SelectaDNA products is completely unique so that every marking kit and spray canister we supply has its very own forensic signature. SelectaDNA products contain real DNA but are referred to as “Synthetic” to differentiate it from Human DNA. SelectaDNA is simply a series of unique combinations of A (Adenine), C (Cytosine), G (Guanine) and T (Thymine). The synthetic DNA used in SelectaDNA is short-chain, making it far more robust than human DNA. The details of the code are then recorded on the SelectaDNA Police and Insurance approved database so that a code found on an asset or person can be identified back to a specific owner or location. The SelectaDNA code can be deciphered by a molecular genetic laboratory which has been supplied with a SelectaDNA reagent kit designed to detect and analyse SelectaDNA samples. Buy > Learn More > 05 Bruker Targetscreener Analyzing complex food/water samples for drugs, pesticides or mycotoxins, or equally challenging human/animal urine, saliva, or serum samples for poisons or drugs, is a demanding application. TargetScreener HR is a powerful solution based upon accurate mass analysis with Bruker QTOF systems and highly curated databases (over 2800 compounds) to ensure reporting false positives (or false negatives) is minimized. Obtaining highly accurate quantitative data is also assured with TargetScreener HR. Learn More > Buy > 06 doculuslumus Doculus Lumus® is designed in cooperation with document specialists from Austria and many other document experts from all over the world. Border guard officers and all people who have to check official documents use the mobile document checking device Doculus Lumus® to prove the documents authenticity. Experienced document specialists know what they need to look for. Often the place where fake documents are analysed in more detail is an office far away from the border posts. So fake documents must be identified by the frontlines at the border, on the motorway, on the train or at the airport. Usually only 30 seconds are available for the examination of a document and to decide whether a fake is present or not. Frontline counts! Buy > Learn More > Home
- 404 | PEAC Infinitum
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