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- Our Story | PEAC Infinitum
PEAC Infinitum opened its doors in 2008, and has been providing great products and services ever since. PEAC Infinitum has 4 subsidiary companies which have been created in order for us to ensure we meet all our customers needs. Notre parcours PEAC Infinitum a ouvert ses portes en 2008 et fournit depuis d'excellents produits et services. PEAC Infinitum a 4 filiales qui ont été créées afin de nous assurer de répondre à tous les besoins de nos clients. Ce qui nous distingue des autres, c'est notre capacité à personnaliser notre offre en fonction des besoins des clients, ainsi que notre fantastique équipe de spécialistes. Peu importe à quel point votre demande est unique ou difficile, vous pouvez compter sur nous pour trouver la solution qui vous convient.
- What we offer | PEAC Infinitum
Tout ce dont vous avez besoin Chez PEAC Infinitum, nous avons travaillé dur pour offrir des services intelligents, flexibles et abordables qui profitent à tous nos clients. Quels que soient vos besoins, notre équipe d'experts se mettra en quatre pour personnaliser nos solutions afin de dépasser vos attentes. Parcourez notre liste de services et appelez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour réserver une réunion d'introduction. Paix infinie Peac Infinitum est un fournisseur d'équipements analytiques et de services professionnels. Ces services comprennent la fourniture et l'installation d'équipements de laboratoire et la formation du personnel du laboratoire analytique. Les membres de Peac ont plus de 30 ans d'expérience au total dans le domaine des laboratoires. Explorer Calicot et Toile Calico & Canvas, votre boutique de pointe en matière de design. Notre réputation s'est bâtie sur la performance, la confiance et, surtout, la créativité. Nous aimons ce que nous faisons et sommes constamment à la recherche de nouvelles sources d'inspiration. Explorer Ongles et Plus Chez Nails & More, nous savons que le bon traitement peut vous faire ressembler et vous sentir comme un million de dollars. Nous nous engageons à n'utiliser que des produits haut de gamme pour plus de luxe. Prenez le temps de vous faire plaisir en prenant rendez-vous dès aujourd'hui. Explorer En pointe Cutting Edge se consacre à son objectif singulier de concevoir et de créer des articles exceptionnels depuis 2016. Parcourez leur portefeuille de charpentiers mis à jour pour obtenir une véritable compréhension de leurs compétences et de leur vision. Explorer Obtenir un devis Prénom Nom de famille E-mail Message Envoyer Merci d'avoir soumis !
- Canning Page | PEAC Infinitum
Your canning solution The cans manufactured by Peac Manufacturing are not only of the highest quality, but are also available in a variety of options to ensure you find exactly what you’re looking for. With top-of-the-line materials, cutting-edge production technologies and a highly qualified team, we guarantee complete satisfaction. REQUEST A QUOTE CUSTOMISED WINE STILL/SPARLING WATER VARIOUS FRUIT JUICES ENERGY DRINKS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Various sizes available What can you expect? Fantastic customer service Great quality Undivided attention Years of experience Personalized to your own design and requirements
- Doculus Lumus | PEAC Infinitum
Doculus Lumus® is designed in cooperation with document specialists from Austria and many other document experts from all over the world. Border guard officers and all people who have to check official documents use the mobile document checking device Doculus Lumus® to prove the documents authenticity. Experienced document specialists know what they need to look for. Often the place where fake documents are analysed in more detail is an office far away from the border posts. So fake documents must be identified by the frontlines at the border, on the motorway, on the train or at the airport. Usually only 30 seconds are available for the examination of a document and to decide whether a fake is present or not. Frontline counts! 15x or 22x Magnification If you have to scan whole documents to see as many features as possible in minimum time, you would prefer 15x magnification. 22x magnification allows you to see finest details, but the area of sight is smaller due to the necessary lens construction. If you have to go into detail and would like to see things like paper fibers, printing artefacts and even finest deviations of the surface, you would prefer 22x – especially when you are in the office and have enough time for a deep analysis. 4 Extra strong UV LEDs 365 nm The UV light mode with its 4 extra strong UV LEDs (365 nm) allows an optimal depiction of UV security inks through the lens as well as from the side from short distance. Check nanotext and several fibers on passports and bank notes. Also ideal for effortless detecting of UV features on polycarbonate cards. You can use your Doculus Lumus® also as a small UV torchlight so you don’t need an extra torchlight. 4 White Incident Light LEDs White incident light with 4 strong LEDs (bright field illumination) allows you to check even the finest printed details like microtext or nanotext. Recognize with which printing technology a document was printed. (laserprint, inkjet, offset, etc.). Many people want to activate the incident light with their thumbs, so there is the possibility to switch from right hand mode to left hand mode. How this works exactly, can be found in the user manual. Torchligh t Mode In certain situations, e.g. at bright sunshine, the normal incident light mode may be too dark. You will need a higher light intensity to shine through water marks as well. The torchlight mode allows an optimal illumination even in a very bright surrounding. In dark environment use this mode as a torch replacement for illuminating close objects. 8 LEDs for Rotating Oblique Light 8 LEDs for automatic or manually rotating oblique light to the left or right. The oblique light mode allows you to identify intaglios, embossing and colour changing kinegrams or holograms. With the aid of 8 LEDs that successively shine on the document in 45° steps, shadows are created at heightened or deepened features (dark field illumination). Colour changing elements look different depending on the angle of light incidence. So you have the possibility of a 3D realistic detection of various sublime security features and holograms. Steady Light Mode for Documentation Purpose The steady light function is very useful if you want to take a snapshot through the lens with your cell phone or smartphone camera or you do not want to keep the button pressed with your finger. Click the battery cover to the documentation position and you can lay your mobile phone flat on the Doculus Lumus®. There is no extra app necessary for photo documentation. Simply use the camera application on your smartphone. Click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. High Robustness Doculus Lumus® is specially designed for outdoor use. Whether it falls down or you hit it somewhere, Doculus Lumus® can handle it! The housing is water-rebellent but not waterproof. Please also don’t drown it into coffee (sugar has a conductive effect). There was a user, who accidentally drove by car over it, even our Doculus Lumus® has endured that – but we recommend not to try this at home! 9 Different Colours Available Lime Blue Grey Red Orange Magenta Violet Sand Olive
- Our Products | PEAC Infinitum
Peac Laboratory is a supplier of Analytical Equipment and professional services. These services include supply and installation of Laboratory Equipment and training of Analytical Laboratory staff. Peac's members have more than 30 years experience in total in the laboratory field. Peac is a South African based company that has excellent potential for growth and is constantly acquiring new business ventures and products to improve the quality of life and the environment for all Africans. à propos de nous Peac Infinitum est un fournisseur d'équipements analytiques et de services professionnels. Ces services comprennent la fourniture et l'installation d'équipements de laboratoire et la formation du personnel du laboratoire analytique. Les membres de Peac ont plus de 30 ans d'expérience au total dans le domaine des laboratoires. Peac est une société basée en Afrique du Sud qui a un excellent potentiel de croissance et acquiert constamment de nouvelles entreprises commerciales et de nouveaux produits pour améliorer la qualité de vie et l'environnement de tous les Africains. VIEW ALL VIEW ALL VIEW ALL VIEW ALL VIEW ALL VOIR TOUT Anchor 1 VIEW ALL VIEW ALL VIEW ALL VOIR TOUT VOIR TOUT VOIR TOUT VOIR TOUT VOIR TOUT VIEW ALL Home
- NIRLAB | PEAC Infinitum
Click Here NIRLAB Narcotics solution T he most advanced technology to detect and identify drugs. Our innovative technology is designed to quickly and accurately identify over 70 different types of narcotics, from common street drugs to synthetic drugs. The NIRLAB Narcotics solution is easy to use and provides reliable results in less than 5 seconds. With the NIRLAB Narcotics solution, you can quickly and accurately detect illicit substances. Check out the NIRLAB Narcotics solution and experience the power of advanced AI & sensing technology! Immediate decision making in plastics sorting using NIR spectroscopy The process of effectively moving plastic waste into the circular economy begins with sorting it into clean polymer groups. One of the biggest challenges on our journey to an effective circular economy is the current lack of high-quality recycling plastic worldwide. NIRLAB introduces a powerful technology based on advanced machine learning to be used in various cases in the polymer industry. We deliver scalable ISO 17025 certifiable Lab systems with a powerful AI setup and combined it with easy to handle mobile and cloud applications. NIRLIGHT Advantages Designed for use in the field as well as in the laboratory. + IP67 Rated The device is 100% protected against solid objects like dust and protected against the effects of temporary immersion between 15 cm and 1 m. + Destruction-free Analysis Little or no sample preparation is needed. No special training required. + No Maintenance No special maintenance is required. + Long Battery Life Fully charged device lasts minimum of 10 hours of continuous use. + Results Displayed Instantly NIRLAB App for iOS and Android delivers results quickly. NIRAPP NIRAPP is our mobile App for Android and iOS and displays the results within seconds. It is highly customizable and user friendly and all the needed features and functions you want to find in a mobile Lab are already on board. In this example, we have used the FIELDLAB solution for the qualification and quantification of illicit substances in various forms like powders, flowers, liquids, pills. Cuttingagents and precursors are also identified in the same analysis process. The result in the NIRAPP shows: 1. The measured spectrum of questioned substance 2. Identification of the substance 3. Quantification of the substance 4. Cutting agent (if applicable) 5. Confidence level
- Peac Forensic | PEAC Infinitum
Peac Diagnostics is a subsidiary company of PEAC Infinitum. At Peac Diagnostics we provide you with all your diagnostic equipment needs. We value customer service and therefore provide a comprehensive service including delivery, installation and training. Médico- légal de l'AEPC À propos de nous MAGASIN Peac Forensics est l'une des filiales de Peac Infinitums qui peut répondre à tous vos besoins dans le domaine médico-légal. Des systèmes ADN haut de gamme au logiciel Gun Control, nous avons tout ce dont vous avez besoin. Anchor 1 01 Projet tina En savoir plus > Acheter > Projectina conçoit et produit des systèmes avancés d'examen de documents médico-légaux pour les devises, les passeports et autres documents contestés. Sa large gamme de systèmes de visualisation et d'analyse s'adresse aussi bien aux petites agences qu'aux grandes installations. PEAC Forensic est un revendeur des produits de Projectina. 04 Système d'ADN rapide ANDE Capable de fournir une identification ADN en 90 minutes pour un échantillon d'écouvillon buccal et en 106 minutes pour un échantillon de scène de crime, le système ANDE DNA offre une gamme d'avantages aux forces de l'ordre britanniques, à savoir ; ➔ Identification rapide des suspects ; ➔ Prise en charge dynamique de la police secrète ; ➔ Soutien rapide aux services de police axés sur le renseignement ; ➔ Prévention de nouvelles infractions ; ➔ Soutien aux enquêtes de grande envergure en évolution rapide ; ➔ Appui aux opérations de lutte contre le terrorisme ; ➔ Identification des victimes de catastrophes (DVI) ; ➔ Coûts réduits pour la police ; ➔ Augmentation de la satisfaction et de la confiance du public envers la police. En savoir plus > Acheter > 02 Cycle de feu En savoir plus > Acheter > FireCycle est une solution Web sécurisée de gestion des données sur les armes à feu qui permet aux forces de police et aux organismes gouvernementaux de suivre la durée de vie d'une arme à feu, de sa fabrication à sa destruction éventuelle. FireCycle peut également fonctionner en conjonction avec un programme national légal d'essais de tir pour gérer efficacement les armes à feu civiles et de service - en capturant et en communiquant les données essentielles qui peuvent être consultées dans Quick Time. FireCycle peut être utilisé dans trois domaines distincts de la gestion du cycle de vie des armes à feu, à savoir : ➔ L'enregistrement des armes à feu civiles. ➔ La gestion du cycle de vie des stocks d'armes de service (ex. police, armée, sociétés de sécurité). ➔ La gestion des armes à feu perdues et volées. 04 SelectaDNA The SelectaDNA product range consists of a number of solutions containing a unique DNA code which can be used to uniquely mark and trace both items of property and criminals. Each DNA code used in the SelectaDNA products is completely unique so that every marking kit and spray canister we supply has its very own forensic signature. SelectaDNA products contain real DNA but are referred to as “Synthetic” to differentiate it from Human DNA. SelectaDNA is simply a series of unique combinations of A (Adenine), C (Cytosine), G (Guanine) and T (Thymine). The synthetic DNA used in SelectaDNA is short-chain, making it far more robust than human DNA. The details of the code are then recorded on the SelectaDNA Police and Insurance approved database so that a code found on an asset or person can be identified back to a specific owner or location. The SelectaDNA code can be deciphered by a molecular genetic laboratory which has been supplied with a SelectaDNA reagent kit designed to detect and analyse SelectaDNA samples. Buy > Learn More > 05 Bruker Targetscreener Analyzing complex food/water samples for drugs, pesticides or mycotoxins, or equally challenging human/animal urine, saliva, or serum samples for poisons or drugs, is a demanding application. TargetScreener HR is a powerful solution based upon accurate mass analysis with Bruker QTOF systems and highly curated databases (over 2800 compounds) to ensure reporting false positives (or false negatives) is minimized. Obtaining highly accurate quantitative data is also assured with TargetScreener HR. Learn More > Buy > 06 doculuslumus Doculus Lumus® is designed in cooperation with document specialists from Austria and many other document experts from all over the world. Border guard officers and all people who have to check official documents use the mobile document checking device Doculus Lumus® to prove the documents authenticity. Experienced document specialists know what they need to look for. Often the place where fake documents are analysed in more detail is an office far away from the border posts. So fake documents must be identified by the frontlines at the border, on the motorway, on the train or at the airport. Usually only 30 seconds are available for the examination of a document and to decide whether a fake is present or not. Frontline counts! Buy > Learn More > Home
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