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  • NIRLAB | PEAC Infinitum

    Click Here NIRLAB Narcotics solution T he most advanced technology to detect and identify drugs. Our innovative technology is designed to quickly and accurately identify over 70 different types of narcotics, from common street drugs to synthetic drugs. The NIRLAB Narcotics solution is easy to use and provides reliable results in less than 5 seconds. With the NIRLAB Narcotics solution, you can quickly and accurately detect illicit substances. Check out the NIRLAB Narcotics solution and experience the power of advanced AI & sensing technology! Immediate decision making in plastics sorting using NIR spectroscopy The process of effectively moving plastic waste into the circular economy begins with sorting it into clean polymer groups. One of the biggest challenges on our journey to an effective circular economy is the current lack of high-quality recycling plastic worldwide. NIRLAB introduces a powerful technology based on advanced machine learning to be used in various cases in the polymer industry. We deliver scalable ISO 17025 certifiable Lab systems with a powerful AI setup and combined it with easy to handle mobile and cloud applications. NIRLIGHT Advantages Designed for use in the field as well as in the laboratory. + IP67 Rated The device is 100% protected against solid objects like dust and protected against the effects of temporary immersion between 15 cm and 1 m. + Destruction-free Analysis Little or no sample preparation is needed. No special training required. + No Maintenance No special maintenance is required. + Long Battery Life Fully charged device lasts minimum of 10 hours of continuous use. + Results Displayed Instantly NIRLAB App for iOS and Android delivers results quickly. NIRAPP NIRAPP is our mobile App for Android and iOS and displays the results within seconds. It is highly customizable and user friendly and all the needed features and functions you want to find in a mobile Lab are already on board. In this example, we have used the FIELDLAB solution for the qualification and quantification of illicit substances in various forms like powders, flowers, liquids, pills. Cuttingagents and precursors are also identified in the same analysis process. The result in the NIRAPP shows: 1. The measured spectrum of questioned substance 2. Identification of the substance 3. Quantification of the substance 4. Cutting agent (if applicable) 5. Confidence level

  • Request a quote | PEAC Infinitum

    Request a Quote Phone +27(0)78 177 7824 Email Social Media First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting! Our Story

  • Ellutia | PEAC Infinitum

    We have become known for our personalised, responsive service and our ability to provide customised solutions to our customers’ challenges. Offering an ideal combination of agility and speed of service with a global outlook and industry-shaping technological innovations, we have become the partner of choice for hundreds of customers. If you are looking for something different in a market often dominated by rigid mass producers, Ellutia is the perfect analytical partner for you. 200 Series Gas Chromatograph Redefining the GC The 200 Series GC was originally created out of an idea to be able to offer a compact, simple to operate, afforable gas chromatograph for education that didn’t compromise on analytical performance. To achieve these requirements we knew we would have have to take a different approach from other GC manufacturers and radically rethink what a GC could be. Download Get a Quote 500 Series Gas Chromatograph Developed and manufactured at Ellutias' UK HQ, the 500 Series Gas Chromatograph is a unique new concept in gas chromatography. The instrument can perform conventional, fast and ultra-fast GC, removing the requirement for multiple systems. This is the only GC machine that can offer this flexibility for the customer. Download Get a Quote 800 Series TEA Nitrogen Chemiluminescence Detector The Ellutia 800 Series TEA detectors are able to quickly identify and analyse N-nitroso, N-nitro and nitrogen containing compounds. Application areas include explosives analysis and carcinogenic nitrosamine testing. Accessories such as the Thermosorb-N air sampling cartridge for monitoring airborne nitrosamines and the chemical stripping glassware system for total nitrosamine analysis provide further functionality. Download Get a Quote Ellutia Columns Strategic column choices can improve lab productivity by assuring that speed and resolution are optimised. While the number of choices available can be discouraging, consideration of the resolution equation variables (separation factor, retention (capacity) factor, and efficiency) simplifies the decision. Download Get a Quote

  • Peac Manu Equipment | PEAC Infinitum

    About Us Peac Manufacturing is committed to providing a variety of quality merchandise for customers. By using the latest technologies and applying strict quality control procedures, we’ve become known for having the best products in the industry. Take a look at what we currently have in stock, and get in touch to order or learn more. We have been involved in various different projects providing only the best machinery for the job. From liquid nitrogen generators to vanilla extraction plants, we have got you covered. Get in touch today to speak with one of our excellent consultants! CONTACT US

  • OPTIR | PEAC Infinitum

    Submicron simultaneous IR+Raman microscope combines Optical Photothermal Infrared (O-PTIR) spectroscopy with Raman FTIR and Raman spectroscopy for material and life science analysis are well established technologies, but have practical and theoretical limitations. Now, with PSC’s new breakthrough technique using O-PTIR and Raman on the mIRage photothermal spectroscopy infrared microscope , those limitations have been shattered. A new patented technique, photothermal spectroscopy based O-PTIR overcomes the poor resolution of traditional FTIR microscopy with the novel use of a dual purpose visible light probe which is not only capable of enabling submicron IR spatial resolution, but also doubles as a Raman excitation laser providing submicron simultaneous IR+Raman spectroscopy on the mIRage-R microscope . This combination generates complementary and confirmatory analysis through IR and Raman spectroscopy for a more detailed and thorough characterization and the ultimate in vibrational spectroscopic synergy. By working in reflection mode this technique eliminates complex sample preparation and generates high quality spectra without any dispersive scatter artifacts comparable to FTIR transmission/ATR spectra. Additionally, O-PTIR is not affected at all by fluorescence interference, a key limitation of Raman spectroscopy, thus allowing for sub-micron molecular characterization that is completely fluorescence free. Now with the mIRage-LS microscope , the addition of co-located Fluorescence microscopy provides a new, innovative platform for advanced life science characterization with a chemical spatial resolution of <500nm. The mIRage-LS provides fluorescence guided IR spectroscopy to easily target bio-molecular structures of interest and resolve their chemical molecular structure. Brochure Submicron IR spectroscopy in seconds The mIRage® IR Microscope is an innovative new system uniquely providing sub-micron IR spectroscopy and imaging across a wide variety of applications. Using a proprietary technique based upon Optical Photothermal IR (O-PTIR) spectroscopy, mIRage breaks the diffraction limit of traditional IR spectroscopy and bridges the gap between conventional IR microspectroscopy and nanoscale IR spectroscopy.

  • Peac Diagnostics | PEAC Infinitum

    Peac Diagnostics is a subsidiary company of PEAC Infinitum. At Peac Diagnostics we provide you with all your diagnostic equipment needs. We value customer service and therefore provide a comprehensive service including delivery, installation and training. PEAC Diagnostiek Oor ons Peac Diagnostics is 'n filiaalmaatskappy van PEAC Infinitum. By Peac Diagnostics voorsien ons jou van al jou diagnostiese toerustingbehoeftes. Ons waardeer kliëntediens en lewer dus 'n omvattende diens wat aflewering, installering en opleiding insluit. sd1 Chemie ontleder Klik op die prent vir meer inligting About 3 Step Operation Koop nou Reagent Disks Rotor Profiles The Upper Hand Buy Now KONTAK VSA Tel. (+27)78 177 7824 Boskruin, Johannesburg, Suid-Afrika Indien Dankie vir die indiening! Home

  • Peac Forensic | PEAC Infinitum

    Peac Diagnostics is a subsidiary company of PEAC Infinitum. At Peac Diagnostics we provide you with all your diagnostic equipment needs. We value customer service and therefore provide a comprehensive service including delivery, installation and training. PEAC Forensics Oor ons WINKEL Peac Forensics is een van Peac Infinitums filiaalmaatskappye wat al jou behoeftes in die forensiese sektor aan jou kan voorsien. Van die beste DNS-stelsels tot Gun Control-sagteware, ons het alles wat jy nodig het. Anchor 1 01 Projek tina Kom meer te wete > Koop > Projectina ontwerp en vervaardig gevorderde forensiese dokument-ondersoekstelsels vir valuta, paspoorte en ander bevraagde dokumente. Sy wye reeks kyk- en ontledingstelsels maak voorsiening vir beide klein agentskappe en groot fasiliteite. PEAC Forensic is 'n herverkoper van Projectina se produkte. 04 ANDE Vinnige DNA-stelsel In staat om 'n DNS-ID binne 90 minute te verskaf vir 'n buccale deppermonster, en 106 minute vir 'n misdaadtoneelmonster, bied die ANDE DNS-stelsel 'n reeks voordele aan Britse wetstoepassing, naamlik; ➔ Vinnige identifikasie van verdagtes; ➔ Dinamiese koverte polisiëringondersteuning; ➔ Vinnige tydondersteuning vir intelligensie-geleide polisiëring; ➔ Voorkoming van verdere oortredings; ➔ Ondersteuning vir vinnig bewegende hoëprofielondersoeke; ➔ Ondersteuning vir die bekamping van terrorisme-operasies; ➔ Disaster Victim Identification (DVI); ➔ Verminderde koste vir die polisie; ➔ Verhoogde publieke tevredenheid en vertroue in die polisie. Kom meer te wete > Koop > 02 Vuur siklus Kom meer te wete > Koop > FireCycle is 'n veilige, webgebaseerde, vuurwapendatabestuursoplossing wat polisiemagte en regeringsinstansies in staat stel om die lewe van 'n vuurwapen na te spoor vanaf die vervaardiging daarvan tot die uiteindelike vernietiging daarvan. FireCycle kan ook in samewerking met 'n nasionale wettige toetsvuurprogram funksioneer om burgerlike en diensvuurwapens doeltreffend te bestuur - vaslegging en verslagdoening van noodsaaklike data waartoe toegang verkry kan word in Vinnige tyd. FireCycle kan in drie verskillende areas van vuurwapen-lewensiklusbestuur gebruik word, naamlik: ➔ Die registrasie van burgerlike vuurwapens. ➔ Die lewensiklusbestuur van diensvuurwapenvoorraad (bv. polisiemagte, gewapende magte, sekuriteitsmaatskappye). ➔ Die bestuur van verlore en gesteelde vuurwapens. 04 SelectaDNA The SelectaDNA product range consists of a number of solutions containing a unique DNA code which can be used to uniquely mark and trace both items of property and criminals. Each DNA code used in the SelectaDNA products is completely unique so that every marking kit and spray canister we supply has its very own forensic signature. SelectaDNA products contain real DNA but are referred to as “Synthetic” to differentiate it from Human DNA. SelectaDNA is simply a series of unique combinations of A (Adenine), C (Cytosine), G (Guanine) and T (Thymine). The synthetic DNA used in SelectaDNA is short-chain, making it far more robust than human DNA. The details of the code are then recorded on the SelectaDNA Police and Insurance approved database so that a code found on an asset or person can be identified back to a specific owner or location. The SelectaDNA code can be deciphered by a molecular genetic laboratory which has been supplied with a SelectaDNA reagent kit designed to detect and analyse SelectaDNA samples. Buy > Learn More > 05 Bruker Targetscreener Analyzing complex food/water samples for drugs, pesticides or mycotoxins, or equally challenging human/animal urine, saliva, or serum samples for poisons or drugs, is a demanding application. TargetScreener HR is a powerful solution based upon accurate mass analysis with Bruker QTOF systems and highly curated databases (over 2800 compounds) to ensure reporting false positives (or false negatives) is minimized. Obtaining highly accurate quantitative data is also assured with TargetScreener HR. Learn More > Buy > 06 doculuslumus Doculus Lumus® is designed in cooperation with document specialists from Austria and many other document experts from all over the world. Border guard officers and all people who have to check official documents use the mobile document checking device Doculus Lumus® to prove the documents authenticity. Experienced document specialists know what they need to look for. Often the place where fake documents are analysed in more detail is an office far away from the border posts. So fake documents must be identified by the frontlines at the border, on the motorway, on the train or at the airport. Usually only 30 seconds are available for the examination of a document and to decide whether a fake is present or not. Frontline counts! Buy > Learn More > Home

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